
Till Minne Av
4 vln, 4 vla, 4 vc, 4 db

November 19, 2009
Sprague Hall
Yale School of Music
New Haven, CT (US)

Jane Kim, vln 1
Piotr Filochowski, vln 2 
David Southorn, vln 3 
Hanna Na, vln 4
Mathilde Geismar Roussel, vla 1 
Amina Myriam Tebini, vla 2 
Christopher Williams, vla 3 
Hyun-Jung Lee, vla 4
Alvin Yan Ming Wong, vc 1
Wonsun Keem, vc 2
Sifei Wen, vc 3
Philo Lee, vc 4
Michael Levin, db 1
Eric Fisher, db 2 
Aleksey Klyushnik, db 3 
Mark Wallace, db 4

Farhad Khudyev, cond

︎︎︎Detailed Inventory

sixteen (16) solo strings:

four violins
four violas
four violoncelli
four double basses


When performing this piece, it is of utmost significance that everyone involved realises their respective responsibility to contribute to the whole of the work. It is a group effort. The work is essentially a succession of waves, both dynamic, harmonic and structural. There is only one notated dynamic—p—and it cannot be stressed enough that this is an absolute dynamic, that is the required “output” of the ensemble. In fact, because of the dynamic continuae, there will be an interplay of an infinite number of dynamics. In reality, it means issues of balance, issues of blending. This is the conductor’s task, to make everything completely and entirely seamless. This piece furthermore takes non-vibrato playing throughout as a convention; vibrato is absolutely forbidden in this piece.

The title, “till minne av”, is swedish and means “in memory of”. The piece is a continuous reflection on what has come before. Each new event is a possible result of the previous one. It is also, in a sense, an obituary for the death of silence, or a metaphor for the realisation that everything that has a beginning has an end—and each sound that is born must without compromise die eventually.

︎︎︎Score Excerpts

Copyright © by Adrian Knight 2023.